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In a world becoming dominated by social media, it can be quite scary at times for small businesses. You see so many companies miss out on opportunities because they do not have an active social media account, or gain a bad reputation because they posted something that they shouldn't have.

How many times have you come across someone on Facebook or Twitter asking if anyone knows a local hairdresser, or someone who can bake them a cake for their child's 10th birthday? Too many times!

Small businesses are missing out on opportunities to improve their brand awareness, purely because they do not have a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram account to market their services and reach their customers. Running your own business takes a lot of time, money and dedication, and running social media accounts may have been something that you hadn't even considered yet, or perhaps you wouldn't know how to. This is where we come in!

We aim to keep all your desired social media accounts active, posting content that suits your company and keeping your customers and clients up to date with all the of your latest offers and work. We aren't saying "choose us and you'll go viral!" but if you are interested in additional campaigns it is definitely something that we can look into. Our main goal is to keep your pages active, and to make sure that you are interacting with potential customers.

We also help our clients develop marketing plans, write content for their social media profiles, and we can even write newsletters for your website at an additional cost per article.

We pride ourselves in knowing that our prices are fair and competitive (and upfront!). For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can start looking into your social media options.