14 Apr

Think about it – what does being a “good employer” mean to you? To us, being a good employer means a lot more than just giving your employees a good salary, although, that is also a big part of it.

Employees come first

It makes sense to put the needs of your employees at the forefront of you mind, at the end of the day, they’re the ones who are delivering your services and are helping bring in the money to your business. That means that you need to be aware that your employees are human, not robots! All of us have bad days, and your employees are no exception to this. You need to be empathetic to your employees when they have bad mental health days, are dealing with personal issues, or are becoming stressed. A healthy environment leads to better quality work being produced, and employees being more dedicated, committed, and loyal to your company!

Recognise hard work!

No one wants to work long hours and put in overtime and for it to go unnoticed. Even if your company is not in a financial position to raise salaries or offer bonuses as a reward, even treating employees who have been putting in extra work to lunch or buying them a small gift can mean a lot to them. It is important to bear in mind as a business owner that your business is your baby, it is your everything, but to your employees the place of work is something entirely different. To some people, their place of work is just the place where they get their income from. And you know what, that’s fine! No matter what people’s motivations are, they can still be amazing employees. However, that does need to be recognised, and your employees should not be expected to go above and beyond for a company that they do not have an investment or ownership position in.

Be flexible

There have been a number of things that have come from the pandemic, and one of those things is the need to be flexible. This includes the ability to work from home. It’s pretty amazing how much people can achieve from the comfort of their own homes, and no matter how brilliant your office may be, it is important to recognise why people may prefer to work from home. Allowing your employees to work from home (if possible!) can be a huge boost to morale in the workplace. Being able to lay in means people working from home are more likely to be better rested, which leads to more productivity. It can also lead to better mental health, as your employees are able to spend more time with their loved ones and spend more time with their family and focus on their own hobbies and interest as the tedious travel time is cut out.

Think personality, not qualifications

This one does depend on the industry you are in! However, a good employer will not be looking for someone to have five years’ worth of experience for a minimum wage position. That’s just unrealistic! Although it can be idea to employ someone who already knows what they’re doing, they may not be the right fit tin terms of personality for the rest of your team. Many employers fight to have a “family feel” when the reality is, most of these environments can become very toxic very quickly. It is better for you as a business owner to look for proactive staff who are willing to put the work in and learn a little if they bounce off of you and your other staff very well. Teamwork makes the dream work after all! Employing someone with a positive attitude and outlook can save you plenty of time later down the line when it comes to looking for new staff. If you hire the right person who fits in perfectly, the chances are they will stay with your company for a long time to come.

So, would you consider yourself to be a “good employer”? Let us know! Do you agree or disagree with our thoughts? Let us know!

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